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cleaning after Christmas party
15 Dec
Posted by:  admin

Last-Minute Tips for Cleaning Your Office Before Christmas

In the lead-up to Christmas, many businesses are taking time out to reflect on their achievements of the year and look forward to a fresh start in the New Year. While reflecting on the year that has been and looking forward to the new year ahead, they are also planning for the future. When your business is closed for the holidays or has limited hours with fewer staff, you want to be sure that everyone has a safe and healthy environment to return to. Here are some tips to help you clean up your business before closing for the Christmas break.

Empty Bins

To keep the office looking its best, everyone should pitch in and help empty the bins before the holiday break. A trash can overflowing with debris is unsightly and doesn’t create a positive impression when you return after the break.

Clean Out Fridges

Make sure all fridges in your workplace are clear, clean, and stocked before you leave. This way, when you return, you won’t be greeted by a nasty surprise.

Clear Workspaces

When you return to work after a long break, don’t let clutter undo your calm mood. Tidy your desk and workstation before tackling any tasks that are pending after you’re coming back.

Wash/Dry The Dishes

Wash and dry all dishes before closing your office for Christmas. Empty the dishwasher, and make sure there are no dirty tea towels lying around.

Restock Supplies

Before you leave for the Christmas break, run through your cleaning supplies to make sure you’ll have enough paper towels, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer. This will ensure that when you return, you will have everything at hand.


If you want a more thorough cleaning of your office before the holiday break, consider hiring a professional commercial cleaning company. A good service will leave your space spotless, clutter-free, and ready to work in when you return. Start your new year without any mess behind!

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